We, in relationship to all, can thrive.
We, in relationship to beliefs we don’t adopt, can thrive.
We, in relationship to pain, suffering and the dying, can thrive.
We, in relationship to all, must thrive.
Our strength, our vision, our compassion, our balance, our willingness to face all that is upon us: we are the thriving ones.
An ecosystem = strengths in action, communication, direct assistance, regulation for homeostasis.
Who are we? What is our true nature? Where are we from?
Why ask these questions?
To see beyond winners and losers.
To see beyond good guys and bad guys.
To see beyond our fears for the future.
To see deeply.
To experience safety which doesn’t depend on who is elected, how much money is in our bank account, our workplace culture, and the changing climate.
Safety does not equal hibernation. Safety does not equal rest. Safety does not equal shelter. Safety does not equal a full cupboard of food.
Safety equals a confidence in knowing, whatever comes my way, I will respond with clarity, without fear– I will welcome challenge. I will meet my moments with curiousity, with a desire to be here. And, here. And, here.
We move from one state to another, over and over. Through direct experience we learn who we are, where we are from, and our true nature…our strengths, our basic goodness, and our connection to all in the ecosystem.
Change happens. Movement happens. We live in a verb world. We are verbs.
caterpillar, cocoon, imaginal goo, emerge, flight.
Ice to water. Water to earth. Water to plant, human, animal.
Water to gas. Gas to cloud. Cloud to rain. Rain to river, to land, to plant, human, animal.
We are verbs. We have the capacity to think new thoughts about safety, about love, about money, about loneliness, about care, about wholeness.
Energy follows thought.
Move towards? Run from?
Stand in beauty. Stand in wildness.
In darkness, light finds light.
We can use our minds to remain trapped or we can use our minds to find freedom.
Our minds can help us create islands of sanity all around us.
Our minds can help us innovate and thrive.
Our minds can help us to become vessels of peace.
Energy is possibility. We are energy.
We are beings of possibility.
Our thoughts and our actions create our world.
We are we.
We are all.
All is all.
Let there be peace.
Currency of light.