Cabin Falls Ecolodge: Stewarded by Hap and Andrea Wilson
Lady Evelyn Smoothwater Provincial Park, Ontario
Eight waterfalls, 18 km of trails through old growth forest to ridge views and hidden ponds and lakes.
Hap Wilson, Wilderness Guide, Artist, and Writer
Andrea Wilson, Wild Renaissance Guide and Writer
Mar’ce Merrell, Canoeist, Arbornaut, Writer of fiction, non-fiction, experienced in trust/listening/play experiments.
Tom Angelakis, Canoeist, Phd in Peace Studies.
You, Curious with an Open Heart, listening, speaking, playing.
Limited to 8 curious humans.
Deep Listening. Deep Trust. Deep Play.
Writing Experiments for creative expression and transformation, tested and adapted for use by others.
Relationship explorations: meet the forest: rock, tree, water, mycelium, fungi, plant, soil, insect (no mosquitos or black flies this time of year!), animal, air. .
Meet the others in the circle: Storytelling and Wild Renaissance Salons: Hap and Andrea Wilson.
Pre-Retreat Experiment and Zoom calls (optional) to practice, share, and meet one another.
Writing Experiments may lead to a calmer, more connected life.
All Inclusive of:
Five nights and Six days in custom built cabins.
Coffee/Tea/Hot Cocoa delivered to your door each morning.
Full Breakfast, Lunch, Late Afternoon Snack, and Dinner.
Fine dining, organic ingredients, meals adapted to your dietary preferences.
Guided Journeys by canoe or on foot, on trails through old growth forest and the oldest exposed rocks on the planet.
All invitations and materials needed for invitations.
September 12 : Shuttle from North Bay Airport to Temagami (and return September 17).
September 12: Float Plane journey from Temagami to Cabin Falls Ecolodge drop-off (and return September 17).
September 12: Guided Canoe and Portage Journey (1 km of easy paddling) to Cabin Falls Ecolodge (and return September 17).
$2,135 US dollars, book by August 10 (2275 after August 10)
$2,945 Canadian dollars, book by August 10 (3145 after August 10)
NOT INCLUDED: your flight from your home to North Bay Airport
“We are grateful to work on the unceded territory of the Teme-Augama Anishnabai and Temagami First Nation who represent the Original People of N’dakimenan.
”Our Creation Story tells us that 8000 years ago, the Creator placed us at Ishpatina Ridge, the highest point of land in what is now called Ontario. This timeline corresponds to the receding glaciers. Six thousand of those years have been corroborated by science, showing our continuous occupation.””