Compassion Experiments. Focus.

Experiment: December 1, 2020, Sunrise. I viewed the sunrise most days from December 1, 2020 to the present day. I’ve noticed: - How I start my day has an impact on my life. - Beauty at the beginning of a day can colour the next 24 hours with ease, a perspective of understanding the larger context I’m living within.

Experiment: Writing Circle. Timeline.

  • February 2020: began routine of asking the question, “How do I respond?” in the middle of a blank piece of paper. Drew lines and wrote pieces of sentences and whole paragraphs, sometimes, in response.

  • March 2020 to August 2020: Took numerous on-line courses to learn through doing how I might lead a group of writers.

  • September 2020: Invited the first Writing Circle participants.

  • September to December 2020: Format of circle: 1. who are you? and where are you from? 2. introduction to writing theme 3. sharing writing 4. Deep Noticing from all participants. Engagement: high. Writing: risky and full of excellence. Participants submitted writing for publication. Chapbook designed by Bri Strong. Completion of chapbook scheduled for end of 2021.

  • January to June 2021: Circles with special focuses begin: novel/longform length, Teachers, Moms with school-aged children, a family group (private booking). Two dozen participants in writing circles.

  • January to June 2021: All participants agreed to allow me to record the sessions. I have reviewed session for my personal research, to gain an intimate understanding of what happens in Writing Circles. I’m still working on the why. May take me a lifetime to know it all!

  • June 2021: The Arbornauts idea I’ve been working with since December 2017 begins to take shape at the Writing Retreat/Guest House on Ghost Lake, Alberta. Novel begins to move from a collection of stories to an integrated novel. I begin to see how my teaching and writing life might converge.

  • July 2021 to September 2021: further defined an Arbornaut as one who willingly travels in liminal spaces. (in between spaces. uncertain spaces)

  • June 2021 to October 2021: “How do I respond?”

    • Developed a retreat space: physical location on Ghost Lake, Alberta, for writers to work solo or in small groups. Guided or self-guided

    • Considered how to respond to Indigenous realities in Canada and North America. Considered my ancestor’s role in the genocide of Indigenous peoples. Asked, “How do I respond?”

    • Mentoring three Writing Circle participants to lead circles for youth. (on-line, zoom)

    • Hosted the first writer’s/arbornauts to the retreat space in September 2021 (10 days). The experience informed us all of incredible possibilities in terms of connection, growth and development of writing and personal understandings.

    • Welcomed Athena, the puppy of wonder and goddess (protector of her people). Athena is integrated into the novel, The Arbornauts.

    • Continued my study. Exploring Quantum Theory, Jungian philosophy, Steiner philosophy, Mycelium, Tree Science, the possibility of Tarot as a way of questioning the self, relationship and the context.

    • Developed new website, new way of scheduling writing circles, new way of communicating through email and newsletter.

    • Spoke with Danii Kehler to ask her if she would give us permission to fund-raise for her Antarctica Expedition.

  • October 28, 2021: Final day of changes to website prior to opening up Writing Circle registration to everyone.