Happy Bunny Day!!
I rise this morning with Athena. She wants food. She wants to play. It’s too early. The girls still sleep. We can’t wake sleeping children
We cuddle, we sigh, we rest for 40 minutes until we hear the girls waking.
Today is a bunny birthday. Butterscotch and Oreo, the bunnies in the backyard turn one-year-old.
The girls make a maze for them to hop through and they love it! They offer them food treats from the pet store, but they don’t seem to care for them.
They sing Happy Bunny-day to you.
Sloane’s birthday cake- dry porridge mixed with banana and topped with carrot and blueberries? They love it!
The air is full of little girl squeals and giggles. Lots of shouting occurs when they negotiate who is doing what and when. In the kitchen, I clean up and try to listen with curiosity and trust. I do not intervene, though more than once I want to say- quiet, please. I allow the noise to be what it is. I wonder at how difficult it is for me!
Two hours of chaos and bunny love happens.
And then, as if we are paddling in a different river, we move towards drawing and reading. We are quiet.
Change is always happening.
Bunnies, children, Mia (their name for me), Athena. All is okay.